The Journey of Job Billgates
May 9, 2017
Who is not concern? Do you know that life can change within a second? Meet this twelve year handsome boy. Can you imagine was born normal but when he turned 6 years, the step mother caused all what you see? A week ago was referred to CCFUgnda ( ) for protection and support. What next? We appeal for anyone who can join hands with us to support his education, according to him; his dream is to become news anchor.
July 3, 2017
We humbly thank Dr Muwaya for being kind and providing voluntary services and medication to Bill. Ever since Bill joined ccfuganda, Dr Muwaya has been committed to offer some medication to this child. As CCF management, we do appreciate for your time and health services you offer to this child. God bless you
Today 30/8/2017 Dr started eye surgery process for Job Billgates. We believe all will go well on his side. Thanks Jacob kildebogaard for standing with CCFUganda to raising the funds.
Still in the process Dr made the review before he confirms the surgery Date. We CCFuganda can't wait to see Bill gate's eye's normalise. More prayers
September 28, 2017
Ccfuganda have received phone call from the hospital confirming the surgery date and time for Billgates when he was informed about the surgery confirmation, he jumped and the whole day has been smiling eagerly waiting to see like other children in the world. We can't wait to step in the hospital today 28th/9/2017
We pray that all go well. We want to thank the Doctors for being cooperative and the same way for creating friendly environment for billgates.
September 30, 2017
Final check up before he get in for surgery.
The Doctor reconfirmed today but the time of the surgery has been changed from 2:00pm -11:50am Ugandan time! Just few minutes from now.
We believe in prayers and that's the moment we need it most
Thank you all for the multiple prayers, it was successful surgery, New cornea has been fixed.
We thank you all for standing with CCfuganda for the tangible support its very difficult to express our feeling via social media but the truth remaim inside out hearts. In special way, we do salute Jacob Lie-Olsen Kildebogaard for taking lead and raise the funds for this child. Hope the motive of the surgery will be helpful
October 2, 2017
The plaster is now off, no pain, doctors promised to fix the lens when the cornea is completely dry. Then he will start to see. We still believe in the doctors.
October 10, 2017
Good news from the Doctor! That billgates is getting better every hour passes by . He equally agrees with his doctor. No pain, and can now see some things closely to him.
CCfuganda always grateful for the financial, and other tangible support from our supporters. We always continue to pray for all children go through the similar plight.
October 24, 2017
Job Billgates can clearly see green plants and he is always prompted to touch them and smell their scent the means he used to identify plants
Thanks lord for the mercies.